This comprehensive Reloading Data Log provides space for all the essential information handloaders need to track the success of their handloads, enabling them to organize all this data in one easy-to-track format. The Reloading Data Log offers space organized into two areas: Load Data Form and Range Data Form. Load data provides space for caliber, firearms, powder, primers, case prep details, trimming, number of times fired, die information and dimensions. Range data forms provide space for target and zero distances, windage, sight adjustments, group sizes, velocity and special notes. Printed on acid-free paper 60 pages in length Comb-binding lies flat on work surfaces Compact size fits range bags Additional space on the Reloading Data Log provides extra space for burn rates, grains per pound, quality control, components, cost per round, etc. The log offers 75 load-data forms and 75 range-data forms.