Apex’s Duty / Carry Kit is designed to give your M&P Shield 45 a smoother, more consistent trigger pull that is approximately 2 lbs. lighter than the factory trigger. As an added advantage, the Apex Shield 45 Duty / Carry Kit smooths the overall feel of the pull AND reduces over-travel, thus delivering a shorter, faster, more detectable reset. Reduces pull weight while keeping it within the safe range for reliable function of a service pistol Actual reduction in pull weight varies from gun to gun D.I.Y. installation (maybe a bit more than "drop in") Kit includes precision-machined sear, Talon Tactical tool, striker block spring, sear spring, trigger return spring, carry spring set, and trigger return spring installation slave pin Works with all S&W M&P Shield 45 pistols The M&P Shield 45 Duty / Carry Kit can be used with your pistol’s factory trigger, or for an even greater improvement in the trigger pull, combine with Apex’s Action Enhancement Trigger (sold separately).