Innovative, integrated accessory system lets you apply the “Magpul Method” to make the tried-and-true 12 gauge 870 into a state-of-the-art tactical shotgun exactly fitted to your mission requirements. Major components are made from the same tough, hard polymer Magpul uses for their AR-15 stocks to ensure superb durability under harsh conditions. SGA Recoil Pad Adapter lets you replace the standard SGA recoil pad with a Remington factory or aftermarket pad for even more comfort and versatility.
The Hunter / SGA OEM Butt-Pad Adapter allows the user to replace the factory recoil pad on Magpul SGA Remington or Mossberg Shotgun Stocks as well as the Hunter 700 Stock with a Remington 870 synthetic-pattern butt-pad of their choice (not included).
By utilizing the original spacers, this adapter retains all the functionality of the Hunter and SGA Stocks while providing for additional butt-pad options.