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Keep your rifle cool with the SHTF + Handguard Cover! 🔥 Perfect for AR-15 and more, it prevents heat transfer and protects your gear.




Color: Black Product no.: 100034988
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45.9 GBP 0 £45.90 *
Color: Coyote Brown Product no.: 100034987
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Color: Multi-Cam Product no.: 100035806
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Product no.: 100040298
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Product no.: 100040299
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Product no.: 100034988

Mfr. No.: 1-50-03-344-BK

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Color: Black Product no.: 100034988
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45.9 GBP 0 £45.90 *
Color: Coyote Brown Product no.: 100034987
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45.9 GBP 0 £45.90 *
Color: Multi-Cam Product no.: 100035806
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45.9 GBP 0 £45.90 *
Product no.: 100040298
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44.9 GBP 0 £44.90 *
Product no.: 100040299
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45.9 GBP 0 £45.90 *


An Easy Add-On That Keeps Your Free-Float Handguard Cool
If you've ever left your free-float handguard-equipped rifle out in the hot sun or put a bunch of rounds through it quickly, you know that your forend can get hot pretty fast. In fact, it can get hot enough that it's uncomfortable or impossible to get a solid support grip on your gun at times, which significantly impacts shooter effectiveness. That's why the SHTF + Stop Heat TransFer Wrap handguard cover is a must-have for those with handguards that warm up quickly.   Each SHTF + Stop Heat TransFer Wrap handguard cover wraps around 9-15 inches of a rifle's handguard, preventing heat transfer and keeping a shooter's support hand cool. The wrap uses a specially developed thermal-insulating material that not only protects against heat but also prevents scratches and dings to your gun when used against barricades. Additionally, those using guns in extremely cold weather will also enjoy the protection it provides against freezing-cold metal handguards.   Though the SHTF + Stop Heat TransFer Wrap handguard cover was designed for the AR-15, it will also work on FALs, Sterling submachine guns, M1 Garands and M14s, as well as any other rifle with a thin handguard that heats up quickly after rapid fire. Black and coyote-brown colors are available.   The SHFT+ Short Handguard Cover is perfect for those SBRs, AR pistols, or BRN-180S uppers. 

Top takeaways

  1. The SHTF + HANDGUARD COVER is designed to prevent heat transfer, keeping the shooter's support hand cool on free-float handguards.
  2. It is made from a thermal-insulating material that also protects the handguard from scratches and dings.
  3. While created for AR-15s, it's versatile enough for use on other rifles such as FALs, Sterling submachine guns, M1 Garands, and M14s.


  • Colour: Black
  • Delivery weight: 0.054kg

Item details

Made in USA
US export classification: 0A501.x

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